Lindsay Lohan – A Sex Worker?


According to a bombshell report from Star Magazine, Lindsay Lohan received 100,000 dollars to attend Prince Haji Abdul Azim’s, London’s New Year’s celebration. Those of us “in the know” won’t classify Lindsay’s antics as sex-work, but since the media is calling her an escort, let’s explore the idea. According to Star, Lindsay’s father, Michael Lohan, claims Lindsay’s mother is pimpin’ her out!

Sounds crazy rah? To me it seems like Lindsay’s dad is hatin’ but I’ll let y’all be the judge of that. Her father states “she’s getting paid to date rich men”. Those of us that know can interpret that correctly for the rest of the world. Lindsay is on her knuckles (broke). Square ass Hollywood ain’t worth the bullshit so she said fuck it, keep your dumb-ass movie roles, I’m gonna get mines smiling!—and laugh all the way to the bank.

Sex Workers are the best actresses anyway Lindsay, so their giving you compliments on your acting skills whether you realize it or not. Shout out to Lindsay Lohan. I’m feeling your gangsta ma! Me and the homies use to joke and call you “Ten-Grand Lohan” because of all the bad decisions you made career and other wise. Since I see you changed you ways, I’m changing you nick-name to “Hundred-Grand Lohan”—What’s Fucking Wit That?

The report also states that Lindsay is rubbing elbows with the rich Spanish-American painter, Domingo Zapata, luxury hotel owner, Vikram Chatwal, and Charlie Sheen, who said that he gave Hundred-Grand Lohan—what else?—a hundred grand! The hundred was supposedly to cover a tax lien but those who know won’t tell and those that tell don’t really know—u dig me?

To all my money-getting Sex Workers out in the universe, go rent the movie Mean Girls starring Hundred-Grand Lohan and pop some bottles and welcome her to the family.
