
Michelle Robinson, a 32 year old Sex Worker from Dorchester Massachusetts, turned a powerful trick a few years back. This mystery trick is so powerful the U.S district court chief, Judge Mark L. Wolf, has sealed the records on his identity and ordered Michelle to remain silent or face stiff penalties. The case goes back to 2009 when the trick answered a yellow page ad for an escort. Michelle got convicted of black mailing the trick for 280 grand.

This is where keeping it real goes wrong. She mistakenly doubled back hoping to siphon more bread outta his pockets but dude wasn’t having it. He called the feds and they quickly solved the problem. Shelly baby, some words of wisdom: “NEVER KISS AND TELL”. Furthermore, hoe- business ain’t show business, you dig? Why fuck up a million dollar powerful trick? Because he wanted to stop dating you? Did you pass Hoe-ing 101? Obviously not. Repeat clientele in the escort game is called regulars. This dude was probably the best regular of your career and this is how you thank him? Hoe-ing 101 class teaches that the trick is always right. So if a dude wants to fall back, thank him for his business and FALL THE FUCK BACK! What brain surgeon advised you to extort him? If you had any Hoe-sense about yourself, you would know that you play tricks for the long run. Your goal as a pro (short for pro-stitute) is to increase customer count.                                                                                                                                                            Plain language: keep your regulars. If he decided the time was up, your response should have been “I know you’ll be back”. You could have offered to bring in other girls to keep him happy. Lesson learned: kiss and tell is for squares. Hoez don’t play that.

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