Crystal Magnum

Former sex worker Crystal Magnum, age 32, the stripper from the Duke lacrosse alleged rape scandal is back in the news again.  Unlike Tawanna Brawley, who the media lynched 23 years ago for making similar accusations, Magnum still can’t stay out of the way after being exposed as a liar in the court of law. For all you youngins who have no idea who Tawanna Brawley is, Get your google-on and compare notes. Tawanna Brawley stayed out the way, under the radar and off the grid while Crystal Magnum moves like a bull’s eye is on her back. Since the Duke jump-off, she’s caught more cases than a hooker trying to work the Manhattan track during the Giuliani administration.

In December of 2010, she was found guilty of three counts of child abuse and two other charges. She spazzed-out, breaking her boyfriend at the time, windshield, slashed his tires and then set his clothes on fire while she nearly set her home on fire with her three children inside. Whatever happened to a bitch just keying your car and calling it a day? A bitch gotta be bonkers to do this in front of her babies.

Fast forward to 2011 and once again Crystal is charged with assault with a deadly weapon with intent to kill. She is being held without bail after trying to ginsu her new boyfriend, Reginald Daye, who is hospitalized with serious stab wounds to the torso. Word to the wise: just because your name is crystal, doesn’t mean you can get high off crystal meth which is what she had to be smoking if she committed such a hideous act. Past, present, and former sex workers catch enough flack already without triflin’ hoez like Chrissy making matters worse.

Let’s all help kill the demons surrounding our fallen sister. Next time you in the club about to down some patron, say F-C-M three times and maybe a spell of saying fuck Crystal Magnum will help her stop fucking up the game.


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