
Anna Gristina is accused of being the UpperEeastSside madam in New York catering to clientele with a milli or better. The drama behind this prostitution scandal hides behind a blue shield. Prosecutors allege that Anna was tipped off before stings would take place allowing her service to flourish for 15 years uninterrupted. Anna, I feel for you homie. The squares is hatin’ because you live on 200 acres of land upstate New York with 3 rescued dogs and six rescued pigs. They prolly hate that you love animals. Any chance the media gets to bash Sex Workers, they pounce on it.

Supposedly a source told NYPD that Anna only fucks wit Penthouse and Playboy models to service her clients. They claim all of her clients are millionaires with the exception of two billionaires. This is a bendation of the truth if you ask me. In the escort business, high rolling tricks are the most discreet. I doubt this so-called source knows what’s really going on.

Allegedly Anna went to an investment banker at Morgan Stanley to discuss online opportunities. Of course to protect their image now that she’s facing charges of promoting prostitution, the bank claims her legal aspirations were tainted. Keep your guard up at all times. The people closest to you can do the most harm.



Sex Worker Talk Radio